United Nations (the UN) is the only truly universal international (intergovernmental) organization with a general mandate. Founded in 1945, the UN has 193 members and its main objectives include ensuring international peace and security, promoting economic, social and cultural development, and protecting human rights and the rule of law. The main bodies of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Board of Trustees (which is actually non-functional), the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat headed by the Secretary-General. Its important supporting bodies include the UN Human Rights Council and the Peacebuilding Commission. Czechoslovakia was one of the founding members of the UN, and the Czech Republic considers its membership in this organization and involvement in some of its bodies (the Economic and Social Council, the Human Rights Council) as a foreign policy priority. The IIR has long been focused on the functioning of the UN, mapped the reform processes within it and monitored the Czech activities in the organization.