Civic energy self-defense in the shadow of the war in Ukraine: grassroots energy activities in V4

Four summary reports, produced with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, present findings and recommendations focused on the experiences of prosumers, heat pump users, and individuals facing energy poverty in the Visegrad Group countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia).

The war in Ukraine has triggered significant psychological, social, and economic responses across Europe, especially in the energy sector, where energy security has become a major challenge and prices have surged. The disruption of natural gas and oil supplies from Russia forced governments to reassess their energy policies, while citizens adapted their behaviour, leading to civic initiatives focused on the development of renewable energy sources.

To explore this dynamic, the authors, supported by the International Visegrad Fund, focused their research on the experiences of prosumers, heat pump users, and those facing energy poverty in the Visegrad Group.

The project results, along with specific recommendations for improving the situation, can be found in four summary reports attached in PDF format.