A Global Arms Control Regime on Short- and Medium-Range Missiles

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which resolved the crisis in the 80s between East-West relations, limiting ground-launched delivery vehicles with a range between 500 and 5,500 km, ceased to be a valid international law document since August 2019 between the United States and the Russia Federation. Matúš Halás, Head of Center for European Security (IIR), illustrated in his Policy Paper titled "A Global Arms Control Regime on Short and Medium-Range Missiles" the example of a possible global regime limiting the development and deployment of ground-launched short- and medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles.
"The stability of the mutual deterrence will, however, require not only promoting of some arms-control initiatives but also additional actions by many states", claims in his paper Matúš Halás. (...) "None of that ultimately depends on the success of a possible global missile control regime. And that success, of course, would be largely determined by the design of a given treaty's verification procedures".