Environmental Human Rights under the European Convention on Human Rights
We are pleased to invite you to an online lecture with Natalia Kobylarz, a Senior Lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights, on 10 May at 3 PM. The event is hosted by the Centre for International Law and will be moderated by our senior researcher Jan Lhotský. It will be live-streamed on our Facebook.
10. 5. 2021 (15:00)
IIR Facebook
Natalia Kobylarz, a Senior Lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights, will hold an online presentation about the relationship between environmental rights and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. What are the links between the environment and human rights? The expert will discuss how rights defined in the European Convention on Human Rights such as the right to a private and family life (and other Convention rights) relate to the protection of the environment. Furthermore, some of the Court’s case-law, for example on the right to information or a right to participate in a decision-making process will be further explained. The interpretation of human rights provides important guarantees in safeguarding healthy environment and it can further develop in the future. The presentation will be followed by a questions and answers session.
Natalia Kobylarz holds an LL.M. degree in International and Comparative Law from the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, United States, a Master 2 degree in Environmental Law from the Strasbourg University in France, and a Master of Law degree from the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin, Poland. She works as a senior lawyer at the Registry of the ECtHR. In 2016 she was seconded to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights as adviser on the European human rights jurisprudence. In parallel to her job at the ECtHR, she teaches courses on international human rights protection and environmental human rights at the University of Grenoble Alpes.