"An asteroid does not discriminate."

For nearly two years now, a group of Czech scientists and academics lead by Nikola Schmidt has been working on a national planetary defence strategy for the Czech Republic, funded by a government grant.
Asteroids are generally perceived as the greatest threat to Earth from space. It is important to realise that it is not only about the size of the asteroid, but also about the materials from which it is made of and the angle between the earth and asteroid trajectory. We are hit by asteroids every day, most of them ends up in the oceans. When we are talking about so-called city killers, the destructive ones can fall every year. In the Czech Republic we have the knowledge capacities from Astronomy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, who are quite special when compared to other institutions in the world, because they have a very specific East European bolide detecting network [European Fireball Network]. Czech Republic should not be focused on developing necessarily the whole instrument, but key technologies which make up parts of it and define the national niche when it comes to particular technologies.