PhD Training School on Contemporary Challenges to International Criminal Law

on 14-16 March 2013

14. 3. 2013 (10:00)

Tento obsah není aktuální IIR, Nerudova 3, Prague 1

"Are you a PhD student in law or social sciences? Do you focus in your thesis on international criminal law? Would you like to discuss your PhD project or any section of your PhD thesis with ICL experts? Would you like to meet other PhD students focusing on a similar topic? And would you like to come to Prague?
If you answer YES to some of those questions, or even to all of them, you should consider responding to this
Call for papers."

PhD Training School on Contemporary Challenges to International Criminal Law
Was held at the Institute of International Relations in Prague, on 14-16 March 2013. The PhD Training School was organised within COST Action 1003: “International Law Between Constitutionalisation and Fragmentation: the role of law in the post-national constellation”.

Applications should have been sent by e-mail to Dr. Veronika Bílková ( by 8 February 2013.

Successful applicants were notified by 15 February 2013. Participation was subject to submission of a paper (maximally 2500 words) prior to the conference, by 28 February 2013 at the latest.

Application Form


Spolupráce / Záštita

COST Action 1003