Open Digital Science in the Study of International Politics?
The Institute of International Relations would like to cordially invite you to a special workshop on "Open Digital Science in the Study of International Politics?" which will be held under the 11th International Symposium "Czech Foreign Policy" on September 24 at 11:00 AM at the seat of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czernin Palace, Loretánské náměstí 5, Prague 1.
24. 9. 2019 (11:00)
Czernin Palace, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Loretánské nám. 5, Prague 1
The study of international politics has been politically influential, but with the knowledge-structure fragmented along national lines. Most of the underlying data are not published and therefore they cannot be re-used, build on, or corrected. Hence, it is nearly impossible to even think about the reproduction or falsification of the otherwise valuable research. The study of international politics thus comes across with inherently undermined scientific status. As state secret services and global corporations engage in extensive scientific data gathering, storage, and analysis to serve their goals and needs, perhaps the time is ripe for the study of international politics to do likewise.
This workshop will reflect on the possibilities of advanced digital data management in the study of international politics. We will discuss especially the following questions:
• Where does the study of international politics stand in comparison with other scientific fields and the study of humanities?
• How to make the research data in our field more findable, accessible, and interoperable for ourselves as well as for the audiences we hope to inform, i.e. policy and decision makers, students, or the media?
• Are there any methods, utilities, or applications that seem to be useful for the purposes of digital study of international politics?
• What are the funding opportunities?
The workshop will be chaired by Tomáš Dopita, Senior Researcher, Institute of International Relations
Registration is mandatory for this workshop.
Please register at dopita@iir.cz until 16.9.2019
Spolupráce / Záštita
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Repulic