Whither Democracy? Taking Stock of Democratic Governance in Central Europe
The Institute of International Relations invites you to the lecture: "Whither Democracy? Taking Stock of Democratic Governance in Central Europe". The event will take place on May 16, 2018 at 3 pm in the IIR building, Nerudova 3, Praha 1 - Malá Strana.
16. 5. 2018 (15:00)
Ústav mezinárodních vztahů
The world is in flux and the pace of major social, cultural and economic changes is so rapid that parts of societies feel endangered by these shifts and thereby heed the calls for the return to a more traditional and orderly state of affairs. These sentiments are most acutely felt – it seems – in contemporary Central Europe and have direct effects on democratic governance as politicians are apt at pitting those who embrace the mentioned changes against those who do not. Thus, taking into account the transnational influences and the growing mutual affiliation amongst Central European societies and politics, it is necessary to take stock of democracy in Central Europe after nearly 30 years since the fall of communism. How can we characterize current democracies in Central Europe – what are the factors that strengthen them, and which factors undermine them? Where will current developments lead us?