New Perspectives Issue 2/2016 is here!
We are delighted to present issue 02/2016 of New Perspectives journal which is full of interesting pieces such as:
- To Be “More Alert and Less Deceived.” “To Marvel At All There Is to Be Marvelled At.” by Benjamin Tallis
- Visuality and Creativity in Global Politics: In Memory of Alex Danchev by Roland Bleiker
- Deterring Things With Words: Deterrence as a Speech Act by Juha A. Vuori
- ‘Like Us’ or ‘One of Us’: Tensions between Liberal and Communitarian Values in EU-Ukraine Relations by Molly Krasnodębska
You can find these and other intriguing articles in our new issue of New Perspectives journal ! This new number can be obtained via our eshop.
Subscribers of New Perspectives have access to the full contents of the journal. However, we are also very happy to be able to offer free access to the Editorial and to one of our original articles – or two if you sign up to our newsletter (email for details).