Czech and Norwegian Perspectives on New Security Threats in relation to Russian War on Ukraine
We would like to invite you to a workshop organized in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) which will focus on the security threats for the Czech Republic and Norway related to the Russian war on Ukraine.
28. 11. 2022 (16:00)
Language: English Institute of International Relations, Nerudova 257/3, Prague
Team of researchers from the Institute of International Relations (IIR) and from the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), will discuss what they see as key new security threats in relations Russian war in Ukraine from perspective of Czech and/or Norwegian foreign and security policy.
How do the Czech Republic and Norway perceive energy security?
Who are the main key stakeholders – relevant ministries, legislators and
media in the context of energy security?
What are the main threats to the Czech and Norwegian energy in relation to
Russian War on Ukraine?
What has been perceived as main vulnerabilities of the Czech and Norwegian
societies and security systems in the light of the Russian War on Ukraine?
What role could the EU and NATO play in reacting to these vulnerabilities
and fostering resilience?
How does the Russian war on Ukraine reverberate in the Southern EU
neighbourhood and what have been Czech and Norwegian reactions to it?
What have been the EU, Czech and Norwegian reactions to the food security
crisis unfolding in the Southern EU neighbourhood?
Day 1 28/11/2022
Welcome and presentation of the NSTs in context of Russian war in Ukraine
Introduction of participants and opening reflections on NSTs themes
Roundtable Wrap up and Concluding Remarks

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
This workshop is financially supported throught the EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021 framework (under the Fund for Bilateral Relations). Project name: „Czech and Norwegian Perspectives on New Security Threats in relation to Russian War on Ukraine“, project number: EHP-BFNU-OVNKM-4-194-01-2022.